What we believe
We believe the Bible is the all sufficient Word of God.
All creeds, books, and sermons are only good and helpful as they reflect the content of Scripture. Discretion must be exercised at all times when evaluating the content of these confessions in light of God’s Word.
We are in substantial agreement with the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith; and A Declaration of Complementary Roles.
Leadership Team
We are here to serve you as “servants of Christ Jesus, to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the overseers and deacons.” (Phil. 1:1 ESV)

Jason Young pastor

Jason Young is a husband, father of eleven and grandfather. He and his wife live on a hobby farm in Buckeye Arizona where he serves as a teaching elder at the Heritage Baptist Church. Jason is a biblical counselor and focuses on marriage and family matters. He also specializes in biblical epistemology, as his passion is to share the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ into all of life. He helps men find freedom with his online sexual purity course (sexualpurity.org).
BA in Bible from Ceaderville University; M.Div from Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary.
Mark Hubler pastor

Mark is a pastor, firefighter, husband and father. He faithfully serves at his church and ministers as an elder, music minister and counselor. He and his wife have home educated all of their children.
Mark is passionate about helping the next generation to seek first the Kingdom of God.
Keith Cullers Deacon

Keith is retired from City Government work with over 26 years of service. Prior to this he worked almost twenty years in the hospitality industry. He has served as a Deacon for over 35 years in two other churches besides Heritage Baptist. He and his wife have been married almost 45 years and have four married daughters, all of whom were homeschooled. They have twelve grandchildren and two more due in November of 2024. Keith has a heart and vision for a multi-generational vision.
Aaron Barnes Deacon

Aaron Barnes, M.T.S., is a husband of 32 years and father of 3. They are also a homeschooling family with one now off to college.
Called to Biblical Counseling, Aaron is progressing through the stages toward an ACBC certification.
It is Aaron’s hope to serve the Lord vocationally in counseling and church ministry.
Professionally, he has worked in telecommunications engineering throughout his career.
Aaron is a veteran and served in-country during the Persian Gulf War as a Marine and later supported missions around the world as an Airman.